Patmulgen is a drum pattern variation generator for AudioMulch. It has
four variation configurations that can have one of the following
variation types:
- Bypass
- Repeater
- Slice Order Randomizer
- Random Breaks
- Reverse Slice Order
- Slow Down Slices
- Clear Slices
Every variation configuration has settings for the number of slices and
can operate on the drum channels one through five.
(Click for large view)
How it works:
Open a drum contraption in AudioMulch and make a drum pattern. Store it
in a preset. Copy this preset. Go to Patmulgen and make some settings,
then press the "Generate Variation" button. Now go to AudioMulch and
paste the preset of the drum contraption and load it to hear te results.
System requirements:
AudioMulch must be installed on your machine. See
http://www.audiomulch.com for more information about this program.
AudioMulch was created by Ross Bencina (Copyright ©1997-2005).
Patmulgen requires the dotNet framework to be installed on your system.
See: http://msdn.microsoft.com/netframework/technologyinfo/