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  > Skip Navigation LinksSoftware > Virtual MIDI Keyboard > Manual > The main window

Virtual MIDI Keyboard Manual - The main window

[Index] [The main window] [The settings dialog] [Keyboard commands] [Download]

Below this text you can see an image of the main window of Virtual MIDI Keyboard. Click on one of the items to get more information about that item.

<< Title bar

You can use the title bar to drag and move the window.

<< Channel

Here you can select the MIDI channel which will be used when playing MIDI notes.

<< Program

Here you can select the program. If you change the value a program change message will be send to the MIDI out port. You can also use the up-arrow and down-arrow keys.

<< Velocity

Here you can select the velocity.

<< Transpose

Here you can set the transpose value (-3..3). You can also use the left-arrow and right-arrow keys.

<< Volume

Use this knob to change the volume.

<< Pan

Use this knob to change the panning.

<< Mod

Use this knob to change the modulation.

<< User1

Use this knob to send a user configurable MIDI controller. This knob is only available in the registered version.

<< User2

Use this knob to send a user configurable MIDI controller. This knob is only available in the registered version.

<< Power

Use this button to exit the program.

<< Standby

Use this button to minimize the program.

<< Info

Use this button to show the info dialog.

<< Settings

Use this button to show the settings dialog.

<< Sustain

Use this button to switch sustain on/off. You can also use the shift key to switch sustain on/off.

<< Init

Use this button to initialize Virtual MIDI Keyboard. The current values of all knobs and buttons will be send to the MIDI out port.

<< The mouse controller display

Here you can see the values of the X-, and Y-controllers. If you move the mouse while playing the keyboard the values of the X-, and Y-controllers will change accordingly to the position of the mouse.

<< The keys

you can use the mouse to play MIDI notes by pressing on one of the keys. You can also use the computer keyboard to play MIDI notes.

[ Granucon - music software ]  Copyright ©2005-2013 Wouter van Beek